Estrategias de crecimiento

Usamos un enfoque exhaustivo y sistemático que conduce a resultados reales a través de un proceso de innovación informado e inspirado.


Con un enfoque colaborativo, soluciones innovadoras y una visión transformadora, creemos que el futuro de la alimentación se diseña hoy.

En Singular Foods, creemos en el poder de generar un cambio real en el sistema alimentario.

Junto con nuestros socios, combinamos la innovación, el diseño y la sostenibilidad para enfrentar los retos de un mundo en transformación, fomentando nuevas conexiones entre industrias, las personas y el planeta.

Innovation that makes real impact


In the past decade, digital transformation and innovation completely changed the way the world does business. In the decade ahead, technological, social and environmental forces will make strategic innovation essential for the survival of any business operating at scale. For many organizations, however, innovation can feel like fumbling in the dark, leading to new products and services that don’t contribute to the health and longevity of the business. In an increasingly complex world, strategy and creativity are the keys to successful, impactful innovation.

How we do it

We start by challenging the belief that innovation is inherently unreliable. For the past 50 years, frog has worked with entrepreneurs and business leaders across industries to envision business transformations, define opportunities for growth and challenge the status quo through strategic innovation. By combining creative, human-centered design practices with rigorous, critical market analysis we support organizations in identifying the most valuable opportunity areas for their business and in developing clear priorities and roadmaps to realize them. The following principles can help position businesses of all scales and sizes for resilient, sustainable and strategic innovation:
Innovation is a three-sided challenge
True innovation only happens when it simultaneously solves for the needs of the consumer, of the business, and of the stack. Merging big ideas with business acumen and technology prowess is the key to sustainable growth.
Innovation is a skill, not a talent
Innovation isn’t just reserved for the creative genius. It’s a teachable skill that can be learned, honed and strengthened with a proven methodology and applied practice. Experience matters.
Great demands debate
Innovation should be able to withstand the tension of multiple perspectives. We value debate over brainstorming, defending your position over groupthink, challenging discussions over post-it-note pandemonium.
Discipline over darts
Approaching innovation by hoping for a lucky bullseye is unpredictable and random. When process and capability are built to define what should be instead of what could be, bad ideas die early and outcomes are far more predictable.
Ideas are easy, impact is hard
Blue-sky thinking is an exercise in imagination. Successfully taking ideas from the whiteboard to the market demands the acumen to define the plan, the capability to fully execute, and a vested interest in the outcome.


IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)

Deepening Customer Engagement with IKEA Retail

frog and IKEA Retail (Ingka Group) worked together to transform an underutilized customer club into a core part of its customer engagement strategy


IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)

Deepening Customer Engagement with IKEA Retail

frog and IKEA Retail (Ingka Group) worked together to transform an underutilized customer club into a core part of its customer engagement strategy


IKEA Retail (Ingka Group)

Deepening Customer Engagement with IKEA Retail

frog and IKEA Retail (Ingka Group) worked together to transform an underutilized customer club into a core part of its customer engagement strategy



Gerrit Jan Veldman

Creative and Design Director. Madrid